Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Meals in Photos

I'm playing catch-up today.  I have so many photos and meals to share with y'all.  I was going to give each one its own post, but for some I just don't have enough to say.  Surprising, right?  I think by now you are all aware that I'm a little wordy.  Way back in 2006, someone even nicknamed me "verbiage."  Annoying, but really rather accurate.  So.  Since I don't have much to say, y'all are going to get what essentially amounts to a pictures-only post.  Enjoy!  And if you have questions about any of the meals pictured, leave me a comment or shoot me an email and I'll give you more details.

And now, without further ado, please take a look at this Hungry Lady's somewhat questionable photo abilities:

Lunch at Carolina Ale House with L.  Good looking salad, plus day drinking.
Drive by lunch at Alf Mob - spicy tacos.
Out for Thai at Chiangmai in Conshohocken, PA.
Dinner in - bacon wrapped filet with asparagus and tortellini salad from EarthFare.
Dinner in - pineapple & ginger sea bass with ginormous salad.
Dinner in - creamy mushroom pasta.  Paired with a fabulous salad.
That says "Beer is an art."  Enjoying  a cold one at World of Beer
And now, since I have finally caught up with my absurd backlog of things to post, I feel better.  I can move forward.  And maybe actually keep up this time around?  Here's hoping anyway!

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