*waves sheepishly* Remember when I thought things were going to slow down because I was finished with school? Yeah, totally wrong. Sorry about that. Here are some things that are going on in the next few days that you should totally check out:
Bluegrass, Bidding, & BBQ - Tonight (October 17th) at 7 p.m. at the Robert Mills House. All proceeds benefit the Historic Columbia Foundation, specifically the Woodrow Wilson Family Home. Local food, music, and drinks. $40 for the general public.
Harvest Week at Motor Supply Co. - Per their press release, "Harvest Week celebrates local farmers from the Midland's key sustainable farms who supply the restaurant with the ingredients for fresh, local food. Special nightly-changing menus with dueling ingredients from local farms are featured, complemented by a special Harvest Week cocktail list featuring local farm-to-shaker ingredients."
Lake Carolina Wine & Food Festival - Saturday (October 19th) from 2-5 p.m. All proceeds benefit Children's Charities of the Midlands. Lots of wine and food from local chefs. $30 in advance, $35 at the door.
Have a wonderful weekend!
The Hungry Lady
Food and drink adventures with one hungry lady. With a dash of sarcasm and wit.
Thursday, October 17, 2013
Sunday, July 7, 2013
My Food in Photos
I know, I know. It's been about 437 years since I've posted something that didn't have to do with my book. I have things to post from way back in January, I just haven't had time to get them together. Maybe I should learn how to use the "schedule posts" feature. Or maybe I just need better time management skills. But I digress. The point is, that since I've had posts waiting in the wings for six months, I'm afraid I won't be able to write decent reviews because I can barely remember what I had for dinner yesterday, let alone in January. So instead, you get to enjoy a photo recap with as much detail as I can remember. Apologies for taking the easy way out. Life should slow down soon and I should be able to get back on track with the blogging. Onwards and upwards!
Tuesday, April 23, 2013
Shameless Self-Promotion
Lots of things going on in Hungry Lady land. It's a bit overwhelming, but also pretty awesome. If you aren't already sick of my talking about my book, here are a few things you might enjoy:
For more info on upcoming events and media appearances, head on over to my website.
My book launch is tomorrow (April 24) from 4 -6 p.m. at City Roots. It's a very casual, drop-in affair with food by Rosewood Market. Come by, buy a copy of the book, meet me, get an autograph if you want one, and enjoy some delicious food. Details below:
I was also on the ABC Columbia News at Noon today, talking about the book. Please don't mock my constant twitchiness - I had slammed two cups of coffee immediately before this interview. You can watch the clip here:
Thursday, April 4, 2013
Things to do this Weekend
If you are looking for something food / sustainable / fun related to do this weekend, there are a couple of options in Columbia: The first ever Midlands Farm Tour, and the grand opening of Uncle Maddio's, a new pizza join on the USC side of Main Street.
Farmers first. Sponsored by the Carolina Farm Stewardship Association and Whole Foods Market, the farm tour features 10 local farms in Richland, Lexington, and Kershaw counties. If you decide to go, the cost is $25 per vehicle in advance, or $30 at the event. Or, you can just choose to pay $10 per farm. Advanced tickets can be purchased online, at Whole Foods, or at City Roots.
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St. Croix sheep at Doko Farm. Photo by Amanda Jones. |
The tour is self-guided, and you can choose what you want to see. You'll get to see baby farm animals, learn how each farm grows veggies, fruits, flowers, etc., without the use of pesticides. The tour is rain or shine, and is perfect for the whole family. It runs over two days: Saturday and Sunday, April 6 and 7 from 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. If you decide to go, make sure you bring a cooler so you can bring home many of the products that each farm will be selling. More information, including directions and maps, can be found here.
Pizza next. Uncle Maddio's is like Moe's, but for pizza. Basically, you go through the line and decide what crust you want, what sauce you want, and what toppings you want. And, for the vegans and gluten-free among us, there are options to suit both of your dietary needs.
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Portabella Pesto Pizza. Photo provided by Uncle Maddio's. |
The grand opening is Saturday, April 6 from 11:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m. The first 100 customers in line will receive free pizza for a year. The new Uncle Maddio's is located next to the Yoghut on Main Street, in the Adesso building. They feature three kinds of crusts, six sauces, seven cheeses (including Daiya vegan cheese), and 47 different toppings randing from local veggies to hormone-free chicken. And, if you aren't into pizza, there are plenty of panini and salad options.
Unfortunately, the Hungry Lady won't be able to attend either of these events, as she has a very important birthday celebration for her favorite soon-to-be 5 year old, and she has a 15 page paper to write before Monday. But if you go to either, let me know how it was. And if anyone wants to bring me a Portabella Pesto Pizza on Saturday, I certainly won't object.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
A Quick Book Tease
Y'all just bear with me for a bit. There's going to be a lot of book promotion going on around these parts for awhile. My apologies if it seems like that's all I talk about, but a) I need to sell some books, and b) my excitement over finally being published still hasn't worn off.
Today, I bring you something that The April Blake was kind enough to write for me. This was intended to be used as a foreword to my book, but ultimately the editors decided not to use it. I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with all of you. I asked April if that was alright with her, and she graciously agreed. April was the only person who read my completed manuscript (other than the editors) before it was published. I'm very grateful for all of her feedback and comments. Here is what she had to say in the intended foreword. Hopefully it will give you a quick overview of what to expect, should you decide to purchase my book.
When one thinks of Columbia, South Carolina no special attribute sticks out immediately, since it isn't necessarily known for its genteel history like Charleston or Savannah; and it isn't known for the quirky counterculture like Portland or Asheville. But given its unique positioning two hours from the ocean to the east and two hours from the mountains in the west, and surrounded by acres of farmland both inside and right outside of city limits so we've got access to fresh seafood, orchards full of fleshy apples, and more types of produce than you can shake a stick at within driving distance of tens of thousands of hungry and eager residents of the wide reaching Columbia metropolitan area. Happiest of all are the chefs, farmers, artisans and fans of these ingredients who are quickly and happily rallying around is the very real idea that our fair city can be known for its passion and reverence for local food.
And who better to tell the tale of the history and the present of Columbia's food scene than the local food blogger Hungry Lady? Laura created her food blog to detail and share her tastiest meals after winning a contest where the prize was gift certificates to a lot of local restaurants. I came to know her through her food blog, and as a fellow local food writer we became friends, dining pals and blogging buddies. Though she doesn't have native roots in our proud Southern soil, she lays out a rich tale that showcases the same pride that any homegrown would present in bringing our colorful heritage and connection from the earth to our plates to the forefront- right where it belongs.
Woven throughout the chapters of Columbia Food: The History of Cuisine in the Famously Hot City are stories of the folks like local pig wrangler and Soda City market founder Emile DeFelice who have taken a grassroots approach towards getting residents to know what they, their children, neighbors, and community are putting into their mouths on a daily basis. You'll read relatable tales of chefs like Ricky Mollohan who worked his way from prep cook to owner with the dream of creating culinary masterpieces that are alive with flavor. On the dirtier (seriously, these things are covered in dirt before they make their way to our forks) end of the business of local eating, you'll learn about the families that use their hands and hearts to bring your food from seed to fruit, from sow to sausage.
Today, I bring you something that The April Blake was kind enough to write for me. This was intended to be used as a foreword to my book, but ultimately the editors decided not to use it. I loved it so much that I wanted to share it with all of you. I asked April if that was alright with her, and she graciously agreed. April was the only person who read my completed manuscript (other than the editors) before it was published. I'm very grateful for all of her feedback and comments. Here is what she had to say in the intended foreword. Hopefully it will give you a quick overview of what to expect, should you decide to purchase my book.
When one thinks of Columbia, South Carolina no special attribute sticks out immediately, since it isn't necessarily known for its genteel history like Charleston or Savannah; and it isn't known for the quirky counterculture like Portland or Asheville. But given its unique positioning two hours from the ocean to the east and two hours from the mountains in the west, and surrounded by acres of farmland both inside and right outside of city limits so we've got access to fresh seafood, orchards full of fleshy apples, and more types of produce than you can shake a stick at within driving distance of tens of thousands of hungry and eager residents of the wide reaching Columbia metropolitan area. Happiest of all are the chefs, farmers, artisans and fans of these ingredients who are quickly and happily rallying around is the very real idea that our fair city can be known for its passion and reverence for local food.
And who better to tell the tale of the history and the present of Columbia's food scene than the local food blogger Hungry Lady? Laura created her food blog to detail and share her tastiest meals after winning a contest where the prize was gift certificates to a lot of local restaurants. I came to know her through her food blog, and as a fellow local food writer we became friends, dining pals and blogging buddies. Though she doesn't have native roots in our proud Southern soil, she lays out a rich tale that showcases the same pride that any homegrown would present in bringing our colorful heritage and connection from the earth to our plates to the forefront- right where it belongs.
Woven throughout the chapters of Columbia Food: The History of Cuisine in the Famously Hot City are stories of the folks like local pig wrangler and Soda City market founder Emile DeFelice who have taken a grassroots approach towards getting residents to know what they, their children, neighbors, and community are putting into their mouths on a daily basis. You'll read relatable tales of chefs like Ricky Mollohan who worked his way from prep cook to owner with the dream of creating culinary masterpieces that are alive with flavor. On the dirtier (seriously, these things are covered in dirt before they make their way to our forks) end of the business of local eating, you'll learn about the families that use their hands and hearts to bring your food from seed to fruit, from sow to sausage.
Columbia Food: The History of Cuisine in the
Famously Hot City is coming on the cresting wave of Columbia's food scene,
detailing it in a way that has never been done before. Read it now and ready
yourself as the knowledgeable one next time you find yourself gathered with
friends, family or colleagues around the table at one of the places described
in the book, eating the very foods that you know came from out of the backyard
of this state.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
I Thought this Day Would Never Come
Y'all. I can't believe it. Publication day is finally here. My publisher got their stock of my book yesterday, and I got my copies in the mail this afternoon. The book looks so pretty!
I'd be lying if I said it hadn't been a bit of an emotional roller coaster to get to this point. At one point, I even almost decided to quit. But, my ever fabulous mother talked me off the proverbial ledge, and I pushed on.
When I started this blog, I never thought, in a million years, that it would lead me to writing a book. It was an incredible feeling when I sent the draft to my editor. It felt even better when I sent in the final approval for printing. I stared at the proposed cover of the book for hours on the day it was emailed to me, grinning like a fool. And for everyday after that for about a week. I held printed copies of my marked up manuscript in my hands, approved photos, and gave my ok for publishing, but it wasn't real to me until I tore open the cardboard box this afternoon and held the finished product. It's still a bit surreal.
Right now, I'm lining up book signings and events, and I'm terrified. Terrified that people are going to read this book and think I'm a fraud, or that I forgot some hugely important player in the food scene (apologies in advance if that happened!). Also, I'm more than a little introverted so having to mingle with all of the people at these events is taking me way out of my comfort zone, and I'm having a minor panic attack just thinking about it. Just keep that in mind if I seem shy or nervous or twitchy or socially awkward when I'm talking to you.
Everything about this journey and this experience has been a bit on the overwhelming side. I'm convinced that I'm going to wake up tomorrow and find that it's all been just a giant dream. But then I'm going to look on my dining room table (or really just the pillow next to me, because I am so not putting this book down), and realize that I did it. I managed to write a real book that people are actually going to buy, going to read, and hopefully going to enjoy.
I couldn't have done this without the support, encouragement, and general help of everyone in my life, including everyone who reads this blog. Thank you all from the very bottom of my heart. And if you could find it in you to support me a little bit more, I'd love it if you'd buy the book. You can get it from my publisher (The History Press), Amazon, or Barnes & Noble right now, and it should be available in stores next week. It'll also be for sale at all of the events I attend, so you can pick up a copy at those too. A full list of those are on the new website, so keep an eye on it for updates.
Thank you all so very, very much. Cheers!
Friday, March 8, 2013
A Bit of Housekeeping
Hi Friends!
I know it's been awhile. I also feel like that's how I start every post I've made lately. I do promise it will get better. I'm almost done with school, and I've been feeling more inspired to write. Now if I can just get my budget in line with some restaurant-type excursions, we'll be in business.
Just a few quick things to bring to your attention:
I know it's been awhile. I also feel like that's how I start every post I've made lately. I do promise it will get better. I'm almost done with school, and I've been feeling more inspired to write. Now if I can just get my budget in line with some restaurant-type excursions, we'll be in business.
Just a few quick things to bring to your attention:
- I created a new, more comprehensive website, TheHungryLady.org. The link is in the top right corner of this page. Basically it's just a better way to keep myself organized, and to help with some book publicity. I'm still blogging here - if you notice, the blog page on the new site links directly back here - but the new site represents the "professional" persona of The Hungry Lady. This is the first time I've done anything like that, so if you have some feedback on the site, I will happily accept it.
- I'm starting to get some info on book release events and such. As it comes in, the information will be posted here, Facebook, Twitter, and the new site. I'm really excited about this thing, and I hope you are too!
- I have a few posts sitting on the back burner that I haven't gotten to write up yet. I really will get better about that, I promise. But you can look forward to my visit to The Oak Table from Restaurant Week, tomorrow's brunch at Cafe Caturra, a random lunch at Taziki's, and next weekend's St. Pat's in 5 Points festival.
I think that might be it for now. If you want an actual invitation to the book launch, rather than just hearing about it via social media, shoot me an email with your mailing address, and I'll make sure you get one. I'd love for everyone to be able to make it!
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
15th Annual Palladium Society Chili Cook-Off
If you like chili and / or you need some plans for this Saturday night (Feb. 23), you may want to consider heading down to the State Fairgrounds for the 15th Annual Palladium Society Chili Cook-Off. It's an all you can eat & drink chili, wine & beer event with live music for under $30. Details below in the press release that the Historic Columbia foundation asked me to share with you.
Download a membership form, fill it out and bring it to the door on Saturday, February 23. Pay your $50 membership dues when you arrive and get in to the Chili Cook-Off for FREE! *this offer is only valid for people who are NOT currently members of HCF.
The Palladium Society is a dynamic organization of young professionals that supports the mission of Historic Columbia Foundation through educational, social, and fundraising initiatives.
Members of the Palladium Society have the opportunity to:
Dillon Construction Services
Palmetto Decorators
Mortgage Network, Clint Hammond
Tyler Construction Group
The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC
Capitol Places
WXRY 99.3
Liquid Assets
15th Annual Palladium Society Chili Cook-Off
SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 2013 | 5 - 8 PM
Ellison Building at the State Fairgrounds, enter through the Rosewood Drive gate to park
$15 for members of the Palladium Society | $20 for members of HCF | $25 for non-members | FREE for children 12 and under
Purchase tickets online at hcfchili2013.eventbrite.com.
Purchase tickets online at hcfchili2013.eventbrite.com
Chili lovers are invited to experience the tastes and smells of some of Columbia's most creative chili recipes during the Palladium Society's 15th Annual Chili Cook-Off!
This annual event is hosted by Historic Columbia Foundation's Palladium Society and features a variety of chili recipes from contestants, judging by local celebrities and chefs, live music by Whiskey Tango Revue, and prizes for the winners. Purchase tickets online at hcfchili2013.eventbrite.com.
A CALL FOR COOKS! Enter as a cook in this year's Cook-Off by 2/19.
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Photo from Historic Columbia Foundation |
Not a HCF member currently? JOIN HCF AND THE PALLADIUM SOCIETY AT THE DOOR AND GET IN FREE! A $65 value, for just $50! Plus enjoy HCF and Palladium Society benefits at the individual level all year long.
Download a membership form, fill it out and bring it to the door on Saturday, February 23. Pay your $50 membership dues when you arrive and get in to the Chili Cook-Off for FREE! *this offer is only valid for people who are NOT currently members of HCF.
The Palladium Society is a dynamic organization of young professionals that supports the mission of Historic Columbia Foundation through educational, social, and fundraising initiatives.
Members of the Palladium Society have the opportunity to:
- Network with other young professionals who are also striving to impact the community.
- Learn about Columbia's significant past and have a say in its future.
- Volunteer at exciting Palladium events, such as the annual Chili Cook-off and the Silent Auction.
- Hold leadership positions on various committees.
- Attend social events including the new Renovation Rodeo, tubing trips, and more activities with other young professional groups.
Dillon Construction Services
Palmetto Decorators
Mortgage Network, Clint Hammond
Tyler Construction Group
The Law Offices of Marion M. Moses, LLC
Capitol Places
WXRY 99.3
Liquid Assets
Tuesday, January 8, 2013
A Smashing Success
Happy 2013! I hope everyone had a fabulous New Year and enjoyed whichever winter holiday you choose to celebrate! For me, that entailed a fabulous Christmas, complete with a much-needed, lengthy trip home, a beer tasting with friends I don't see nearly often enough, and a quiet New Year's Eve celebration with an old friend.
But well before I headed north for Christmas, I had the pleasure of going to the preview party for the brand new Smashburger on Devine Street. Since I'm always on the lookout for a good burger, I was pretty excited when the invitation showed up in my email. The only part of my that was skeptical, was the part with a natural aversion to chain restaurants. Thankfully, my skepticism was unfounded.
On the day of the event, The April Blake and I carpooled over to the restaurant, where we met R (who had agreed to be my plus one), Elizabeth (from Gastronomy by a Wanna-Be Chef), and a handful of Columbia's best bloggers. When we walked in, we had the chance to talk to the local owners of the restaurant, and also to Smashburger founder, Tom Ryan.
On the day of the event, The April Blake and I carpooled over to the restaurant, where we met R (who had agreed to be my plus one), Elizabeth (from Gastronomy by a Wanna-Be Chef), and a handful of Columbia's best bloggers. When we walked in, we had the chance to talk to the local owners of the restaurant, and also to Smashburger founder, Tom Ryan.
Friday, October 5, 2012
Lake Carolina's Wine and Food Festival

The event is next Saturday, October 13 from 2 - 5 p.m. Meaing that you will totally be home in time to watch the Carolina / LSU game. For a mere $30, there will be live music, a tailgate tent (where you can watch football), food samples from local restaurants (including Solstice, which is one of my favorites), wine samples from area wineries, and a silent auction. And, if you're the running type, there is a 10K in the morning that you can register for separately.
Let's recap: $30, three hours outside on what will surely be a beautiful October day in Columbia, food samples, wine samples, a big screen tv for football, and live music. Plus it's for a good cause. Totally a no-brainer.
The full press release including ticket information & 10K registration info below:
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